Research Group for Applied Software Engineering
Forschungsgruppe für Angewandte Softwaretechnik

2nd CSE Workshop @ SE 2017

CSEWe are co-hosting the 2nd Workshop on Continuous Software Engineering together with RWTH Aachen and FAU Nürnberg. The goal of this workshop is to present and discuss innovative solutions, ideas and experiences in the area of continuous integration and continuous delivery including workflows, technologies, architecture, testing and culture. We solicit full papers (up to 8 pages) presenting original and evaluated research and short papers (up to 4 pages) describing novel ideas, identified challenges and experience reports. The workshop will take place on February 21, 2017 in Hanover, Germany, in conjunction with the Software Engineering conference 2017. You can find a detailed description of the topics covered and the call for papers can be found on the CSE17 website. We are looking forward to your paper submissions until January 8, 2017 (extended) and great discussions during the workshop!

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Tutors wanted: EASE MOOC (Winter 2016/17)

In the upcoming winter semester 2016/17, we will teach a completely new course Essentials of Applied Software Engineering (EASE) as Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The course focuses on software development with exercises on analysis, design, modeling, programming and testing, but also includes project management and design patterns topics.

The course has a special emphasis on active, blended and experiential learning, mixing theory in online videos with online exercises to create an interactive learning experience for participating students. Therefore, we are looking for motivated tutors who help us in the preparation of videos and online exercises.

If you are interested, please write an application email with motivation, CV and TUM Online grade report to Stephan Krusche.

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Tutors wanted: EIST and POM (Summer 2016)

We will teach two courses in the summer semester 2016: (1) Introduction to Software Engineering (EIST) has a focus on software development with exercises on analysis, design, modeling, programming and testing. (2) Project Organization and Management (POM) has a focus on software project management with exercises on agile methods, meeting management, retrospectives, release management, continuous integration and continuous delivery

Both courses have special emphasis on blended and experiential learning, mixing theory with exercises. We expect more than 1000 students in EIST and more than 400 students in POM. Therefore, we are looking for motivated tutors who help us in the preparation and conduction of these exercises. If you are interested in EIST, please write an email to Jan Knobloch. If you are interested in POM, please write an email to Stephan Krusche.

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Werner-von-Siemens-Ring foundation awards young scientist

Since 1978, the technical and scientific associations of the Werner-von-Siemens-Ring foundation honor young nature scientists and engineers. The young scientists receive a honor medal and a certificate, and are invited to join events of the foundation. The Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) recommended Stephan Krusche as young scientist for his successful research in the area of agile development and continuous software engineering.

The Werner-von-Siemens-Ring foundation followed the recommendation. Prof. Dr. Joachim Ullrich, the chairmen of the foundation, honored Stephan in addition to four other researchers in natural sciences as young scientist 2015 in a colloquium in Berlin. Stephan had the opportunity to present his research about agile development and continuous software engineering to the members of the foundation.

Stephan is the third researcher of the Chair for Applied Software Engineering who received the award. He follows Timo Wolf and Walid Maalej who received the award in 2007 and 2010. 

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First prize for computer science of Hans Riegel Stiftung

b2ap3_thumbnail_honor.jpgHendrik Noeller (the person to the right in the picture) participated in the innovative TUMKolleg program of the Otto-von-Taube-Gymnasium where school students have the chance to experience their first research at TU München in their final year in the Gymnasium. Hendrik took the change and did his research in the area of collaborative real time applications at the chair of applied software engineering.

In his excellent work he successfully improved a framework for the synchronization of data between different systems (iOS, OS X and Java applications) in real time and received the first prize for computer science of the Hans Riegel Stiftung in the large auditorium of the LMU. Stephan Krusche received the silver badge of honor of TUM for supervising his work.

Hendrik just finished the Abitur with the best possible grade and will study computer science at TU München in the upcoming winter semester. Then he can continue his research about collaborative real time applications at the chair of applied software engineering.

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Results of Seminar Games Development (WS14/15)

12 amazing small games made it into the iOS AppStore! 24 students developed them during the Seminar Games Development with iOS (WS14/15) using Swift and SpriteKit:


CircleFever tests your reflexes. Catch the symbols with corresponding forms by rotating up and down your game circles! (by Christoph Erl and Johann Rottenfußer)

Fluffy Run

Help Fluffy ducklings through a world full of abysses. Tap on the ducklings to jump and fly, and save as many as possible! (by Monika Wintergerst and Alexander Richter)

Food Chain

Food Chain: Control a mouse and navigate it through a maze to reach the tasty cheese. But be aware of cats - they are hungry, too! (by Timo Lamprecht and Jana Pejic)

Galactic Defense

Galactic Defense: Defend your galaxy with your spaceship. B fast and cautious because the enemies will try to shoot in your direction! (by Marius Schulz and Ledian Xhani)

Glitch 'em up

Glitch 'em up: Board the cockpit and dodge asteroids! Glitches bend spacetime. Are you able to use them for your advantage?. (by Michael Wang and Fabian Manhardt)

Keep Up

Keep Up the ball on platforms and reach as many platforms you can. Get the highscore and challenge your friends via GameCenter! (by Florian Ruppert and Wenbo Huang)

Mobius 3D

Mobius 3D is inspired by a moebius strip. It's orientation-less and endless. You lose your mind, but you collect as many coins as possible! (by Maximilian Flis and Fei Pan)

Monster Roly

In Monster Roly you help Roly to get to his favorite food - donuts. Tilt your device to roll Roly. Be careful: the world is a dangerous place! (by Ute Schiehlen and Stefan Cimander)


Saws is a 2D game in which you move a bird around to find the lost baby bird. Be careful not to touch the saws! (by Jan Göbel and Parisa Elahidoost)


Shifuban: You're ship was hit by canon causing holes and water gushing. Move the barrels onto the holes and rescue the ship! (by Anja Kastenmayer and Henning Helmbrecht)

Tiny Wizard

In Tiny Wizard you control a wizard to protect the Tree of Life. Several enemies like orcs and thieves attack not only the tree but also our tiny hero! (by Daniel Peter and Alba Xhani)


Wormcraft is a two player 3D game. Destroy the enemy team with a grenade or bazooka by demolishing the surrounding environment! (by Shivam Agrawal and Lukas Kick)

If you like one of the games, please give it a nice rating share it with your friends :-)

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Reto - A ubiquitous P2P framework

Reto P2P FrameworkWe published the peer-to-peer real-time framework Reto on Github, that Julian Asamer developed during his Master's Thesis under the supervision of Stephan Krusche. Reto is available in Swift on iOS and OS X (sReto) and in Java 8 (jReto) for Windows, OS X and Unix. Both implementations are compatible with each other regarding the network protocol and the exposed API. Reto allows data exchange between multiple peers in WiFi networks, over Bluetooth or over the Internet using a dedicated, but simple WebSocket server. Reto supports discovery of and communication with peers that cannot be reached directly by using other peers to forward data. The framework offers an easy-to-use, high-level, object-oriented API and can be integrated without much effort into existing applications. Try out one of the example applications on Github and participate in the further development by creating issues and pull requests! Active contributors can also get write access to the repositories. 

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Continuous Delivery in Corporate Environments

The Continuous Delivery process for mobile applications developed at our chair was successfully implemented at Capgemini. As part of his Master’s Thesis, Sebastian Klepper adapted the process to the conditions in the company to deal with heterogeneous project environments, globally distributed resources, high security requirements, constraints for cloud-based services and multi-platform support. The process is now successfully used in (international) projects and is a valuable contribution for the knowledge transfer from university to industry.

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Results of iOS Praktikum 2014

In the iOS Praktikum 2014 more than 100 students developed iOS applications in real projects with 11 companies.

iNappkin: Usability Tests with iPads Damage Reporting for E-Bikes
TV Quiz App Online Appointment Scheduling for Car Maintenance
Personalized Flight Itinerary Remote Control of BoinxTV with an iPad
Innovative User Interface for Marketing of the Dash System Smart Control for the Intelligent Workplace
E-Learning Platform with Augmented Reality Interactive Showrooms with Augmented Reality
KneeHapp: Rapid Rehabilitation of Ligament Ruptures  

Find out more and watch videos of all final presentations on the project page!

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Seminar Games Development with iOS (WS14/15)

Swift We offer the Seminar Games Development with iOS again as a block course in September between Monday, 9 September 2014 and Friday, 19 September 2014. Interested students can apply for it by filling out the application form on the course page.

In the first week of the seminar we introduce Apple's new programming language Swift, Xcode 6 and iOS 8. Students also learn how to develop games using Apple's powerful iOS frameworks like SpriteKit and SceneKit. In the second week students develop their first game for iOS (supported by experienced supervisors and tutors), demonstrate and publish it into the iOS App Store.

If you have questions, please contact Stephan Krusche.

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