Research Group for Applied Software Engineering
Forschungsgruppe für Angewandte Softwaretechnik

Best Paper Award (Industry Track) at ICSSP 2018

The paper Practitioners’ Eye on Continuous Software Engineering: An Interview Study (PDF) by Jan Ole Johanssen, Anja Kleebaum, Barbara Paech, and Bernd Bruegge was awarded the best paper award in the industry track of the ACM 2018 International Conference on Software and System Process (ICSSP 2018) in Gothenburg, Sweden. The definitive version of the paper is available in the ACM Digital Library.

In the paper, the authors present results from an interview study with 24 practitioners from 17 companies during 20 interviews, describing practitioners' definitions of CSE, most relevant elements for CSE, their experiences, and plans for future additions to their CSE process. The paper concludes with a model of CSE, the Eye of CSE.

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Best Paper Award at ESEM 2017

CSEThe paper REACT: An Approach for Capturing Rationale in Chat Messages by Rana AlkadhiJan Ole JohanssenEmitza Guzman and Bernd Bruegge won the best paper award in the short paper track of the ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2017) in Toronto, Canada. In the paper, the authors present REACT (RationalE Annotations in ChaT messages), a novel lightweight approach to capture rationale in developers' chat messages.

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1st ISEE Workshop @ SE 2018


We organize the 1st Workshop on Innovative Software Engineering together with Leibniz Universität Hannover and TU Clausthal. The goal of this workshop is to present and discuss innovative approaches, ideas and experiences in the area of software engineering education, in particular project courses with industry, active learning in large courses, digital teaching and online courses.

We solicit full papers (up to 8 pages) presenting original and evaluated research, short papers (up to 4 pages) describing novel ideas, identified challenges and experience reports and poster abstracts (up to 2 pages). The workshop will take place on March 6, 2018 in Ulm, Germany, in conjunction with the Software Engineering conference 2018. You can find the topics of interest and the call for papers on the ISEE18 website. We are looking forward to your paper submissions until December 7, 2017  and great discussions during the workshop!

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3rd CSE Workshop @ SE 2018

CSEWe are co-hosting the 3rd Workshop on Continuous Software Engineering together with RWTH Aachen and FAU Nürnberg. The goal of this workshop is to present and discuss innovative solutions, ideas and experiences in the area of continuous integration and continuous delivery including workflows, technologies, architecture, testing and culture.

We solicit full papers (up to 7 pages) presenting original and evaluated research, short papers (up to 4 pages) describing novel ideas, identified challenges and experience reports and industry abstracts (up to 2 pages). The workshop will take place on March 6, 2018 in Ulm, Germany, in conjunction with the Software Engineering conference 2018. You can find a detailed description of the topics covered and the call for papers on the CSE18 website. We look forward to your paper submissions until December 7, 2017  and great discussions during the workshop!

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SIGCSE Workshop „How to Integrate Interactive Learning into Large Classes”

We will give a workshop on the topic How to Integrate Interactive Learning into Large Classes at the SIGCSE 2017. We will present how we teach in the lectures Project Organization and Management (POM) and Patterns in Software Engineering (PSE) lecture and introduce the concept of Interactive Learning. We provide insights into the different interactive learning exercises and show hands-on examples how to apply them for classes with more than 300 students. In case you have friends or colleagues joining the SIGCSE 2017 conference, spread a word about our workshop and recommend to register for it.  The workshop will take place on Saturday March 11, 3:00 pm-6:00 pm in Seattle, Washington.  If you have any questions feel free to contact Andreas Seitz.

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2nd CSE Workshop @ SE 2017

CSEWe are co-hosting the 2nd Workshop on Continuous Software Engineering together with RWTH Aachen and FAU Nürnberg. The goal of this workshop is to present and discuss innovative solutions, ideas and experiences in the area of continuous integration and continuous delivery including workflows, technologies, architecture, testing and culture. We solicit full papers (up to 8 pages) presenting original and evaluated research and short papers (up to 4 pages) describing novel ideas, identified challenges and experience reports. The workshop will take place on February 21, 2017 in Hanover, Germany, in conjunction with the Software Engineering conference 2017. You can find a detailed description of the topics covered and the call for papers can be found on the CSE17 website. We are looking forward to your paper submissions until January 8, 2017 (extended) and great discussions during the workshop!

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