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Dr. Dennis Pagano pagano (at) in.tum.de Technische Universität München Institut für Informatik I1 D-85748 Garching b. München Germany ![]() |
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Short CV
Dennis Pagano holds a Ph.D. in social software engineering. During his research he studied human factors in software engineering with a focus on user involvement, context awareness, and recommender systems in particular for mobile platforms, applying especially empirical software engineering research methods. He published over a dozen scientific publications in renowned international peer-reviewed conferences, journals, and books in these areas.
He participated actively in the European research projects FastFix and TeamWeaver at TUM. Dennis co-chaired ME'13 @ SE 2013, was PC member of several SSE workshops, and served as reviewer in numerous occasions, including the IEEE Software magazine, the International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), and the International Journal of Empirical Software Engineering.
Research Topics
- User involvement in software engineering
- Social software engineering
- Software engineering for mobile
- Recommender systems in software engineering
- Human factors in software engineering
- Remote software maintenance
General Research Interests
- Software maintenance
- Requirements engineering
- Context-aware and adaptive software systems
- Data mining, machine learning, and collective intelligence
- Intelligent learning and motivation in software engineering activities
Professional Activities
- SSE'16: 6th International Workshop on Social Software Engineering, Seattle, WA, USA, 2016 (Program Committee)
- SSE'15: 7th International Workshop on Social Software Engineering, Bergamo, Italy, 2015 (Program Committee)
- SSE'14: 6th International Workshop on Social Software Engineering, Hong Kong, 2014 (Program Committee)
- SSE'13: 5th International Workshop on Social Software Engineering, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013 (Program Committee)
- ME'13: 1st European Workshop on Mobile Engineering, Aachen, Germany, 2013 (Co-Chair)
- IEA/AIE'13: 26th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2013 (Program Committee)
- RE'11: IEEE 19th International Requirements Engineering Conference, Trento, Italy, 2011 (Industry Track Reviewer)
- IEEE Software (Reviewer)
- International Journal of Systems and Software (Reviewer)
- ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (Reviewer)
- Empirical Software Engineering (Reviewer)
- Communications of the ACM (Reviewer)
- FastFix EU Project. Conceptual Framework Leader, Chief Software Architect, Developer.
- TEAM EU Project. Developer.
- TeamWeaver. Developer.
- User Involvement in Software Engineering Research Group. Founder.
- DANCE Research Project. Co-Founder, Architect, and Developer.
- Simballo Research Project. Co-Founder, Architect, and Developer.
- Jakob Rott, Rainer Niedermayr, Elmar Jürgens, Dennis Pagano. Ticket Coverage: Putting Test Coverage into Context. In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics (WETSoM’17), 2017. (Preprint)
- Rana Alkadhi, Dennis Pagano, Bernd Bruegge. Can Collaborative Tagging Improve User Feedback? A Case Study. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Social Software Engineering, Hong Kong, 2014
- Dennis Pagano. PORTNEUF - A Framework for Continuous User Involvement. Dissertation. Verlag Dr. Hut, 2013 (Amazon)
- Dennis Pagano and Walid Maalej. User Feedback in the AppStore: An Empirical Study. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Requirements Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, IEEE, 2013 (Preprint)
- Dennis Pagano and Bernd Bruegge. User Involvement in Software Evolution Practice: A Case Study. In Proceedings of ICSE'13, the International Conference on Software Engineering, San Francisco, CA, USA, IEEE, 2013 (Preprint)
- Daniel Bader and Dennis Pagano. Towards Automated Detection of Mobile Usability Issues. In Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Mobile Engineering, Aachen, Germany, GI, 2013
- Alexander Felfernig, Gerald Ninaus, Harald Grabner, Florian Reinfrank, Leopold Weninger, Dennis Pagano and Walid Maalej. An Overview of Recommender Systems in Requirements Engineering. In Walid Maalej, Anil Thurimella, editors, Managing Requirements Knowledge, chapter 14, Springer Verlag, 2013
- Dennis Pagano and Walid Maalej. How do open source communities blog? International Journal on Empirical Software Engineering, Springer, 2012
- Dennis Pagano, Miguel A. Juan, Alessandra Bagnato, Tobias Roehm, Bernd Bruegge, and Walid Maalej. FastFix: Monitoring Control for Remote Software Maintenance. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering, IEEE, 2012
- A. Felfernig, C. Zehentner, G. Ninaus, H. Grabner, W. Maalej, D. Pagano, L. Weninger, and F. Reinfrank. Group Decision Support for Requirements Negotiation. Advances in User Modeling, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7138, pp.105-116, 2012
- Walid Maalej and Dennis Pagano. On the Socialness of Software, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Computing and its Applications, IEEE, 2011
- Alexander Felfernig, Christoph Zehentner, Dennis Pagano, Walid Maalej. Group Recommendation for Requirements Negotiation. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Human Decision Making in Recommender Systems, ACM, 2011
- Dennis Pagano. Towards Systematic Analysis of Continuous User Input. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Social Software Engineering, ACM, 2011
- Dennis Pagano and Walid Maalej. How Do Developers Blog? An Exploratory Study. In Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Mining Software Repositories, ACM, 2011 (Distinguished paper)
- Anne Brüggemann-Klein, Tamer Demirel, Dennis Pagano, and Andreas Tai. Reverse Modeling for Domain-Driven Engineering of Publishing Technology. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference, 2010
- Dennis Pagano and Anne Brüggemann-Klein. Engineering Document Applications — From UML Models to XML Schemas. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference, 2009
- How Do Developers Blog? An Exploratory Study
- User Involvement in Software Evolution Practice: A Case Study
- Interview Questions from User Involvement in Software Evolution Practice: A Case Study
Supervised Courses
- Patterns in Software Engineering 2011
- Master Seminar: Extracting Knowledge From Unstructured Data - Applications of Machine Learning in Software Engineering 2011
- The iPhone Praktikum 2010
- The iPhone Praktikum 2009
Supervised Theses
- Andreas Hegenberg. BetterFeedback - A Recommender System for Social Feedback to Improve Software Evolution. Master's Thesis, 2013
- Christian Ziegler. A Framework to Crowdsource Usability Engineering Activities. Master's Thesis, 2013
- Krisna Haryanto. Harnessing the Crowd: A Community Center for User Feedback. Master's Thesis, 2013
- Yichen Mao. Application of Collaborative Filtering to Issue Tracking Systems. Master's Thesis, 2013
- Dominik Franz. Transparent Food Supply Chains through Informations Systems. Bachelor Thesis, 2013
- Rana Alkadhi. Towards Systematic User Involvement in Software Engineering. Master's Thesis, 2012
- Daniel Bader. Towards Automated Detection of Mobile Usability Issues. Guided Research, 2011
- Daniel Bader. A framework for remote usability evaluation on mobile devices. Bachelor's Thesis, 2011
- Alexander Sporn. Automatic adaptive removal of advertisements from digital TV recordings. Bachelor's Thesis, 2010
- Tobias Neuner. Design and Implementation of a collaborative Serious Game for Learning Physics based on Collective Motivation. Bachelor's Thesis, 2010
- Lars Andersen. Literacy acquisition in a sandbox. A non-linear serious game. Bachelor's Thesis, 2010
- Felix Kaser. Intelligent support for non-linear serious games. Bachelor's Thesis, 2010