Introduction to Informatics (INHN0001) WS21/22
Intended Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of this module, students will understand the essential concepts of computer science at a basic, practical, but scientific level: Algorithms, syntax and semantics, and efficiency in terms of memory usage or time. Students will be able to solve manageable algorithmic problems and program simple distributed and concurrent applications in Java or a similar object-oriented language. Students understand the underlying concepts and models of these programming languages and are therefore able to learn other imperative and object-oriented programming languages independently.
Course Information
- SWS: 4
- ECTS: 6
- Module: INHN0001
- Course description: TUMOnline
- Prerequisite: none
- Assessment: Final exam (computer based)
- Time and Location:
- Lectures including small exercises will take place on Tuesday from 9:00 to 11:00 and 14:00 to 16:00.
- First lecture: Tuesday, 18.10.2021
- The lecture will be live-streamed and recorded.
- Room: Heilbronn, D.2.01, Seminarraum (1901.02.201)
- There will be small breaks.
- For slide downloads and discussion, access
Related Course
Recommended Reading
- Heinisch, Müller-Hofmann, Goll: Java als erste Programmiersprache, Teubner, 2007
- Deitel, Harvey / Deitel, Paul: How to program Java Prentice-Hall, 2002
- Flanagan, David: Java in a Nutshell O'Reilly, 2002
- Bishop, Judith: Java gently Prentice-Hall, 2001
- Eckel, Bruce: Thinking in Java Prentice-Hall, 2002

Prof. Dr. Stephan Krusche