Research Group for Applied Software Engineering
Forschungsgruppe für Angewandte Softwaretechnik

iPhone Praktikum 2009

Six real industrial partners provided their problem statements and our 31 students faced the real world of software engineering. They got real team experience while organizing and structuring within their teams and communicating with their clients.


The projects could not be more different: They reached from meeting tools to a chinese learning game for kids! This was real project experience. During development the teams actually used real data and worked tightly together with the client. We wanted them to develop real systems under real world conditions, including a real deadline.


Ambitious? - We do it!


Real Customers

Real problem statements

Real data

Real team experience

Real project experience

Real deadlines




In our tutoring sessions we covered a variety of topics from requirements engineering and usability engineering to new product development.


Naturally there was need for additional support - Cocoa touch, Objective-C and the iPhone SDK 3.0 are the technical hills we had to climb. This is where our student assistants went into play: Matej, Paul and Tobias provided coding support and helped the teams with coding guidelines and their technical expertise.


Student Assistants



Archiware Data Management Tool
CaperWhite Maestro - Next generation remote control
equinux AMITy - Ad Hoc Meeting Information Tool
Dr. Maison & Partner GmbH CRM visualization
Dr. Pohl weMakeWords Collaborative learning serious game for kids
SEN iMOnTrack - Ad Hoc Conference Capturing and Retrieval


Prof. Bernd Brügge, Ph.D.
Damir Ismailović Dennis Pagano
Maximilian Reiß Jennifer Schiller
Florian Schneider Harald Stangl