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Dr. Tobias Röhm Technische Universität München roehm (at) in.tum.de |
In October 2015, I left TUM and started to work for CQSE GmbH.
This page will not be maintained anymore.
Students interested in doing a thesis with me can still contact me via roehm (at) cqse.eu.
- Starting October 2015, I will work for CQSE GmbH.
- Member of Program Committee of ICPC 2016 - Please consider submitting a paper!
- Best paper award for paper "T. Roehm: Two User Perspectives in Program Comprehension: End Users and Developer Users" at ICPC 2015 :)
- Paper accepted at SEKE 2015.
- Paper accepted at ICPC 2015.
- Paper accepted in SANER 2015.
- Mitglied des Programm Komitees des SEI Tracks der SE 2015 - Bitte erwägen Sie ein Paper einzureichen!
Member of Program Committee of SEI track at SE 2015 - Please consider submitting a paper! - Paper accepted in ACM ToSEM.
- NIER Paper accepted at ICSE 2014.
Short CV
- Studies of Computer Science, TU Munich
- Studies of Technology Management, CDTM Munich
- Term abroad, Indian Institute of Sciene, Bangalore, India
- Freelance software developer (ERP Software Microsoft Dynamics Navision)
Research Interests
- Usage-Aware Software Evolution
Monitoring and analysis of user behavior to gain actionable knowledge for developers during software evolution - Software Engineering
in particular program comprehension, software maintenance/ evolution, knowledge management - Empirical Research
- Application of AI in SE
in particular Ontologies, Data mining, Machine learning
- My paper "Two User Perspectives in Program Comprehension: End Users and Developer Users" received the best paper award at ICPC 2015.
- Our paper "How Do Industry Developers Comprehend Software?" received an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ICSE 2012.
- Our lecture Patterns in Software Engineering (WS11/12) was selected as the best computer science "Wahlpflicht-Vorlesung" (Non-mandatory lecture) in winter term 11/12 by students.
My profiles at Google Scholar, DBLP, Mendeley, and ResearchGate
Journals (Peer-Reviewed)
- W. Maalej, R. Tiarks, T. Roehm, R. Koschke
On the Comprehension of Program Comprehension
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 23(4), 2014.
Conference Proceedings (Peer-Reviewed)
- T. Hesse, A. Kuehlwein, B. Paech, T. Roehm and B. Bruegge
Documenting Implementation Decisions with Code Annotations
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2015. - T. Roehm
Two User Perspectives in Program Comprehension: End Users and Developer Users
Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension, 2015.
Best Paper Award - T. Roehm, S. Nosovic, B. Bruegge
Automated Extraction of Failure Reproduction Steps from User Interaction Traces
Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering SANER'15, 2015.
[Preprint] - T. Roehm and B. Bruegge
Reproducing Software Failures by Exploiting the Action History of Undo Features
Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE'14, New Ideas Track, 2014. - T. Roehm, B. Bruegge, T. Hesse and B. Paech
Towards Identification of Software Improvements and Specification Updates By Comparing Monitored and Specified End-User Behavior
Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance ICSM'13, ERA track, 2013. - T. Roehm, N. Gurbanova, B. Bruegge, C. Joubert, and W. Maalej
Monitoring User Interactions for Supporting Failure Reproduction
Proceedings of the 21th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension ICPC'13, 2013. Link - D. Pagano, M. A. Juan, A. Bagnato, T. Roehm, B. Bruegge, and W. Maalej
FastFix: Monitoring Control for Remote Software Maintenance
International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE'12, 2012 - T. Roehm, R. Tiarks, R. Koschke, W. Maalej
How Do Industry Developers Comprehend Software?
International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE'12, 2012
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award - T. Roehm, W. Maalej
Automatically Detecting Developer Activities and Problems in Software Development Work
International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE'12, New Ideas Track, 2012. -
Towards Semantic Robot Description Languages
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA'11, 2011
Workshop Proceedings (Peer-Reviewed)
- T.-M. Hesse, S. Gaertner, R. Roehm, B. Paech, K. Schneider, B. Bruegge
Semiautomatic Security Requirements Engineering and Evolution using Decision Documentation, Heuristics, and User Monitoring
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Evolving Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering (ESPRE'14), pp. 1-6, Karlskrona (Sweden), August 25th, 2014, IEEE 2014 - T.-M. Hesse, B. Paech, T. Roehm, B. Bruegge
How to Improve Decision Documentation in Software Evolution?
Software Engineering (Workshops) 2014: 14-15 - R. Tiarks, T. Roehm
Challenges in Program Comprehension
Softwaretechnik-Trends 32(2), 2012
Other (Not Peer-Reviewed)
- M. Ast, M. Glas, and T. Roehm
Creating an Ontology for Aircraft Design - An Experience Report About Development Process and the Resulting Ontology
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2013, 2013. - T. Roehm
Robots That Know What They Can Do - Semantic Representation of Robot Components, Capabilities and Actions
Diploma thesis, 2010
- Project FastFix (Monitoring control for remote software maintenance, funded by European Commission)
- Project PUMBA (Empirical research about Program comprehension, funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
- Project URES as part of DFG funded SPP 1593 (Consideration of user behavior in evolution decisions, funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
- Project ReproFit within Softwarecampus Program (fundet by BMBF)
- "On the Comprehension of Program Comprehension", at Software Engineering Conference, Dresden, Germany, March 2015
- “Monitoring User Interactions to Support Developers During Failure Reproduction and User Comprehension”
at International Summer School on Software Engineering, Salerno, Italy, July 2013 - "FastFix - Monitoring Control For Remote Software Maintenance"
at Eclipse Democamp Munich, June 2012
Supervised Theses
Analytics of Software Features Based on Monitored User Actions, Martin Stoll (Completed)
- User Skill Classification Based on Interaction Trace Analysis, Stefan Theiner (Completed)
- Recommending and Automating Frequently Occurring Action Patterns of Software End Users, Nadeem Ahmed (Completed)
- Detecting Behavioural Patterns in User Actions, Iulia Gaina (Completed)
- Presenting User and Context Information to Developers during Bug Fixing, Nigar Gurbanova (Completed)
- Development and Evaluation of an Ontology for Aircraft Design, Markus Ast (Completed)
- Introduction of Patterns to Model-Based Systems Engineering, Jan Schröder, (Completed)
If you are interested in a thesis in the area of software maintenance/ empirical evaluation/ AI in software engineering/ Semantic Web/ ontologies please get in touch with me.
- Master Seminar "Applications of Machine Learning in Software Engineering (WS 14/15)"
- Master seminar "Applications of Machine Learning in Software Engineering (WS 12/13)"
- Master seminar "Extracting Knowledge From Unstructured Data - Applications of Machine Learning in Software Engineering" (WS 11/12)
- Master seminar "Managing unstructured data - Mining databases and the web" (WS 10/11)