Example Project:
B |
About the Project
The Family Tree project is a visual example of what you can achieve using
Together/J. It provides a ready made project that includes
several of the most common UML diagrams that would typically be created
in modeling a project. All the diagram images presented here have been
produced using Together/J's Print Specifications feature.
This Family Tree application creates and stores Individuals in
a Family structure, which then make up a Family tree through
links to other families. These links can be traversed to create lists
of Individuals and Families, and more importantly, the tree
can be used to create a list of Ancestors or Descendants of specific Individuals.
Opening the project
Start Together/J
Choose File | Open Project...
Navigate to the ./samples/Families/source directory
Open the FamilyTree.tpr project file
The Class Diagram
The first diagram to appear after opening the Families project is the top
level class diagram. This view is primarily made up of the main
packages - Human Interface, Problem Domain and Data Management, and
Application. The latter caontains only the main Java class that runs the
whole application.
Using this diagram you can navigate down and browse the other packages
Right-click on the package icon and choose 'Browse in a New Window' from
the context menu.
The other package that appears at this level is called 'View'. This
is a logical view and shows all the essential classes in the application
on one diagram - having 'imported' them from the other packages to produce
one diagram. You can browse this view by:
Right-clicking on the View package icon and choosing 'Browse in a New Window'
from the context menu.
This creates a new browser window and displays the diagram in the Diagram
On the top level diagram, several of the diagram elements have been linked
to other types of documents/diagrams:
FamilesApplication class - if you select this class, and in the
Inspector pane select the Diagram tab followed by the HyperLink To tab,
you will see that the class is linked to a URL web address. By right
clicking on this address you can choose open to go to that address (only
if your system has access to an Internet connection)
Problem Domain Package - this package is linked to a Microsoft
Power Point presentation, if your system has MS Power Point then opening
this link will show these slides.
Human Interface Package - this package is linked to the State
diagram that was created for FamilyFrame class. Because this
hyperlink is a diagram, when you right click, you can choose to Browse
the diagram.
You can link your own diagrams, files, URL's to any diagram and/or element
Selecting the element you want to create the link for.
Selecting the 'HyperLink To' tab in the Inspector.
Right click on the 'HyperLink To' pane.
Select Link Diagram or Add URL.
Problem Domain
Problem Domain diagram -
produced within Together/J with Generate Documentation...
This package contains the actual classes from the analysis and design
stage of development, and models the real world problem. This diagram
shows the navigation on the links because it makes it more easier to visually
see the relationship flow.
A description of the classes found in the Problem Domain
Family - the main class in the Problem Domain, holds groups
of Individuals; 1 husband, 1 wife, 0 or more children.
Individual - there are only three types of Individual:
husband, wife and child. This class has the stereotype 'role' which
is why it has dark purple shading. This shading is the default colour,
but can be changed through the editing of the config.properties, found
in the installation bin directory.
LifeEvent - this has four subclasses that represent events
that happen through life.
Birth - the cardinality for this class is 0..1, although
every Individual has a Birth event you may not know the details
Note - a class to store descriptions, places and dates of
the specific types of LifeEvent
Also on this diagram there is the imported class 'FamilyFrame', shown with
a cut top right hand corner to depict that it is imported. This allows
the diagram to show the relationships between the Problem Domain and the
main class in the Human Interface. Any changes to this class will change
the class in the actual package. Because packages can display their classes,
the top level diagram shows the Problem Domain package with the imported
class in italics.
Human Interface
Human Interface diagram
- produced within Together/J with Generate Documentation...
This package contains implementation classes. These classes are
the user level of the application. It is through this level that
the user can call and view the various lists. It is the Human Interface
- FamilyFrame class that controls the application and handles all events
and messages.
A description of the classes found in Human Interface
FamilyFrame - this is the main frame of the application,
it also is the class that controls all the features of the Family Tree.
Aboutbox - a simple dialog with about information.
ListDialog - a simple dialog to show a list of Individuals,
it has added functionality of checking for clicking on a list item, and
also has a pop-up menu for list items.
InEntry - a dialog where the user can create new Families,
with new or existing Individuals or add children to existing Families.
Search - a useful dialog to use when trying to locate Individuals
in a large family tree.
ErrorDialog - a simple dialog to allow error message to be
displayed to the user.
Because the FamilyApplication class on the top level diagram has a dependency
link to the Human Interface package, Together/J automatically shows
this class on this diagram.
The FamilyFrame class has several hyperlinks - the class name appears
in blue and bold to indicate links for classes. The class itself
is linked to the state diagram, while two of its operations, getAncestors
and newIndividual are also hi-lighted in blue to show they too have links:
getAncestors links - getAncestors sequence diagram, details the
sequence of messages that the application steps through in order to create
the Ancestor list. The collaboration diagram link shows a simple
collaboration diagram based on the sequence diagram.
newIndividual link - addIndividual sequence diagram, details the
sequence of messages that the application steps through to create a new
Data Management
Data Management diagram
- produced within Together/J with Generate Documentation...
This package holds a simple model for the control of the data, i.e.
the opening and saving of the data:
DMControl - the main data control class that
knows what type of data it will read in, flat file (as in this example),
database etc...
FamilyDM - knows how to set and store the family records
that a read in from the data storage.
IndividualDM - knows how to set and store the family records
that a read in from the data storage.
IFamiliesDM & IIndividualsDM are the
interfaces that the DMControl class must implement in order to read in
the data records.
Flat File diagram
The FlatFile package contains the FlatFile class that has the behaviour
to store the Family Tree details out to a text file on the local system.
Other packages at a later date could be added to allow classes to be stored
by other means i.e RTF, Database etc...
View diagram
This diagram is made up of all of the main classes that make up this
application, in fact you can also import classes from different packages
located on the class or source path of the project - File | Project Properties.
Changes can be made directly to these classes unless you have imported
compiled or read-only classes.
Using Print Specifications... the whole project has been documented in
HTML and can be found in the Documentation subdirectory of the
./samples/Families directory.
The Use Case Diagram
UML Model: Use Case Diagram
The Use Case diagram shows the use cases for:
Searching for an Individual
Entering an Individual
Updating Family information
The State Diagram
UML Model: State Diagram
The State diagram in the Family project models the interactive GUI component
class FamilyFrame. It shows the various states of the class as various
events are triggered.
Sequence Diagrams
UML Model: getAncestors Sequence
The getAncestors Sequence diagram shows the sequence of events that
leads to the creation of the Ancestors list for an Individual. The
recursive loops on the sequence diagram take the form of moving up each
family branch above the Individual. The first branch it takes is
the Father's branch of the family, and then the Mother's branch of the
tree. Whenever it finds a Husband or Wife that have no Families above
them, the recursion unwinds, taking other routes, until all the various
branches above the Individual have been taken.
addIndividiual Sequence Diagram
The addIndividual Sequence diagram shows the sequence of events that
leads to the creation of an Individual. There are some data checks
in the entryDlg object to make sure that all the required data has been
entered before proceeding with the creation of the new record. These
missing fields or errors are reported back to the user via the ErrorDialog
Collaboration Diagrams
The Sequence diagrams above can be turned into Collaboration diagrams easily
via the background context menu 'Show as.....' command. Within this
project there is already a Collaboration diagram called:
This shows the getAncestors collaboration.
Running the Application
The Family Tree project is a fully working application which can be compiled
by a Java compiler and run. The application sets up a default Family
tree for you. You can then use the application to manage these Individuals.
By default the application creates a small example Family Tree ready
for you to use. With the use of the File | Save as and File | Open
menu you can create and store you own Family Trees. This simple version
has no implementation for entry of Marriage, Birth, Death or Divorce details.
If you want to start from scratch, then select File | Close to close the
auto-generated Family Tree.
NB: Families must be created with the Husband first. The
application will warn you if you try to create a new family with the Wife
as the starting member.
To Start the Application:
Run command line or console
Change directory to ./samples/Families
Note that compiled classes are already available after installation in
the ./samples/Families/classes subdirectory
Invoke your Java VM for the main class of the application FamiliesApplication
located in the Application package. Below is the sample code assuming
you are using Sun JRE for Windows:
jre -cp classes Application.FamiliesApplication
The concrete command you should invoke may very depending on your OS,
JVM and environment.
Creating Families from
Existing Children in the Tree
Select Edit | New Individual.
Click on 'Individual' to display a list of current Individuals who are
not parents.
Select a Husband from this list by double clicking.
This displays the Husband's details on the Entry dialog.
Click on Update to create a new family with the selected person as the
Add a Wife to the new family:
Select Edit | New Individual.
Enter the first name of the Wife.
Click on 'Married to' to display a list of families without Wives.
Select the Individual by double clicking on the Individual in the list.
This will set the Wife's parent of field.
Enter F or f as sex.
The Maiden name field will become available - enter the maiden name here.
Click on OK.
Select View | Descendants.
The Wife should appear on the list.
Click on her name once to highlight her name.
Right click on Wife's name.
Select View Family.
This displays the family you have just created.
Creating a new Family with
a New Individual
Follow exactly the same process as above except for the husband, do not
use the 'Individual' button. Rather, enter all details including Parent
Of (because this is the husband of the family, this field should be his
surname) then click on OK.
When adding a Wife, you can either add an existing Individual
to the Family using the 'Individual' button, or enter a new one, remembering
to use the 'Married To' button to link to the Family.
Creating Children for
Select Edit | New Individual
Enter a new Individual's details but do not fill in the Parent of field
Click on 'Child Of' and choose a family for this child
On double clicking on a family in the list, the child's details are updated
Click on OK
Updating/Amending an Individuals
Select Edit | New Individual.
Click on the 'Individual' button and choose the Individual to change.
Change/Update the details.
Click on the Update button to accept these changes.
Errors in the entry dialog will be reported back in the error message explaining
exactly what the problems are.
NB: While creating Families you can at the same time add a new
Individual to an existing Family by using the 'Child Of' button when entering
the details.
Viewing the Ancestor or
Descendent list
To view Ancestors or Descendants of Individuals within the Family Tree
use View | Ancestors or View | Descendants. This displays a list
of all the Individuals. Double clicking on an Individual will give
you the Ancestor or Descendent list.
View | Show Spouse (this is a checkable menu option, by default it is
off) works only with the View | Descendants. It adds the father's name
to each Individual displayed on the Descendants list to make a large list
more readable.
Topic links for this chapter
About the Project
Opening the
The Class
to other documents
The Use Case
The State
Running the
To Start
the Application:
Creating Families
from existing children in the tree
Creating a new
Family with a New Individual
Creating Children
for families
an Individuals Details
Viewing the Ancestor
or Descendent list
© 1997-98
This page is hosted by the Chair for Applied Software Engineering of the Technische Universität München.
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